


From the Director’s Desk

Bismillah بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh and grettings.


Welcome to the website of the Research Management Office (RMO), UMT. I am grateful to Allah Subhanahuwata’ala because with His abundance and permission the RMO/PPP website can be developed with the aim of spreading the functions and roles of the Research Management Office in empowering research activities. We are very confident that through the involvement of UMT academic staff, renowned scholars and high-quality and high-impact research recognized at the national and international levels can be born. This website also functions as one of the information and reference centers on the management and implementation of research activities


We are always appreciates the commitment and efforts of each researcher in increasing the productivity, quantity and quality of research results. We always strives towards cultivating comprehensive excellence in all aspects as well as service delivery through the commitment stated in the PPP service objective which is to manage and coordinate the research grant applications of UMT academics, manage and coordinate the monitoring and governance of research grants at UMT, coordinate the provision of data research grants, coordinating PTJ’s MyRA target setting, managing and coordinating MyRA and HICoE achievement monitoring and managing research finance, trust accounts and PTJ administration.


Finally, I hope that all UMT staffs will benefit from this website and we welcome any suggestions and views to ensure that the best services can be channeled for the university’s research excellence.

Thank you.

Prof. ChM Dr. Suhaimi bin Suratman
Research Management Office (RMO)
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu